Post by seekinglight on Mar 9, 2017 14:57:09 GMT
Was wondering if anyone more advanced along the path could answer this-- would working a system like Quareia, which is more geared towards magic/development of the innate faculties, alongside Falun Dafa which is geared towards spiritual enlightenment cause any conflict between the two? Li Hongzhi says in Zhuan Falun that being single minded in one practice is important and I have found Falun Dafa to be a wonderful practice, but I was having trouble maintaining a positive mental state in daily life and I'm trying to speed up progress. Thanks!
Post by peter2 on Mar 9, 2017 21:01:28 GMT
Falun Dafa appears to me to be a practice transitional between the Third Force (previous to the Pralaya) and the Second Force of the current solar system. theosophy.wiki/w-en/index.php?title=PralayaThis is well suited to those souls formed in the previous solar system (such as many Chinese) but much less so for souls formed in the current solar system (such as most Europeans). I have had a look at the Quareia site and the lessons look good. I would however say that magicians commonly attempt to control entities that are more powerful than the magician. This is the primary reason for ritual. It is much better for the human to develop the inner skills and right relationships with inner plane entities so that the entities cooperate willingly. Forcing entities is dangerous and traditionally magicians are out-maneuvered and tricked and their magical protection is undermined by character faults. It is said that all dark magicians are astral entities using human magicians as puppets. In Freemasonry the Entered Apprentice is expected to establish right relationships internally and externally. This, when properly done, opens the way for the work of the Fellowcraft which is the study of the hidden mysteries of nature and science. (This is rarely taken seriously) These two works when properly done open the way for work in the planetary temple that extends for East to West and North to South and from the center of the Earth to the Heavens. (I have met few humans that are competent in this) This 3 stage sequence is the safe way to enter into active relationships with inner plane entities. The first 2 stages, for the advanced human, take half a lifetime.
Post by seekinglight on Mar 10, 2017 2:09:12 GMT
"It is much better for the human to develop the inner skills and right relationships with inner plane entities so that the entities cooperate willingly. Forcing entities is dangerous and traditionally magicians are out-maneuvered and tricked and their magical protection is undermined by character faults." Would you suggest adding this work in as an extra precaution to using the Quareia system? Also, I'm not entirely sure how what you mean by that/in practical terms what I would need to do. Also, to my surprise, I got a letter in the mail today from the Masons addressing me as 'brother' and asking for a donation Masonry seems to have a lot to offer spiritually, but the 'obligated for all of time' tidbit is the main reason I don't want to re-join. That, and that there seems to be a lot of shady business taking place on the planet and as conspiratorial as it sounds I can't shake the feeling that the more high-ranking or "in the know" Freemasons have something to do with it. I know most Masons are good and when I interact with people on this forum I usually get the completely opposite feeling from what I stated, but nonetheless that feeling persists.
Post by peter2 on Mar 10, 2017 2:58:19 GMT
>Would you suggest adding this work in as an extra precaution to using the Quareia system?
Long ago I used to watch an expensive poker school and one of the players told me: If you have not spotted the bunny in 5 minutes then you are the bunny.
This applies even more so to magical work. I trust I write plainly enough for you.
> I can't shake the feeling that the more high-ranking or "in the know" Freemasons have something to do with it.
I hope you know more about magic than about Freemasonry. I have met Freemasons of all ranks, and while most are men/women of good will, few have achieved control of their emotions, the core work of the Fellowcraft.
I have met 2 brethren that could control their thoughts - but that was long ago when I moved in other circles.
When you can control your thoughts, you have reached the first moderately safe place for magic. Before then you are near the bottom of the food chain - subject to endlessly hungry entities. Read the biography of any OTO member to see the results
Post by seekinglight on Mar 10, 2017 4:41:34 GMT
I recall on the B.O.T.A. discussion thread you said something about it being best to stay with a system until the lessons are completed. Last time I worked with the Tarot, I stopped at Key 15 (the devil). My thoughts seem to be very inclined towards a few negative qualities and at times difficult to control, and I wonder if that has anything to do with it.
As far as the O.T.O. comment, I read something a few years back that sounded pretty scary and I think that person was only in the minerval degree.
Post by peter2 on Mar 10, 2017 9:33:58 GMT
>I recall on the B.O.T.A. discussion thread you said something about it being best to stay with a system until the lessons are completed.
I doubt that was me.
> My thoughts seem to be very inclined towards a few negative qualities and at times difficult to control
If you cannot control your thoughts then you are too low in the food chain.
Post by peter2 on Mar 11, 2017 0:42:35 GMT
In my limited experience of "magical" events, almost all results followed from polite requests. And on some occasions the entity was too frightened of its supervisor to comply with my request, so I had to go up the line to its supervisor or further. Dealing with supervisors I have had these experiences: - I would suck some energy out of the supervisor and it would see where that was going to end, and would instruct its minion to give up. It is necessary to clean out the lower sub-planes of the aura so that the dark energy passes through without resonating. - On a few occasions I bit off the "foot" of an entity to demonstrate that I was serious - I would demand the supervisor to show me its light. This generally resulted it losing much of its darkness and heading off - Occasionally a supervisor was bigger than me and ignored my demand to show its light. Some cosmic entities interfere with Earth processes. There are also artificial entities and those have no light to show. - On one occasion the group I was leading was rescued from an approaching entity that I did not see. When I look now it was a predator operating in the solar system. Fortunately I have a sponsor or two to mind my back. Even dealing with supervisors I am always polite. To be otherwise may cause vulnerability. If you are determined to attempt magic despite the extreme danger, then one of the most important books is Spirit Releasement Therapy. It contains many case studies of dealing with entities that manipulate humans. I learned a great deal. www.amazon.com/Spirit-Releasement-Therapy-Technique-Manual/dp/092991516XI doubt you will find a free copy online.
Post by seekinglight on Mar 11, 2017 2:22:11 GMT
I do plan to go through the Quareia system, although I think our definitions of magic might be different. I'm thinking more along the lines of high magic; causing changes within my own consciousness.
Thank you for the book recommendation.
Based on what you said, I'm picturing some sort of out-of-body or otherworldly experience dealing with non-human entities.
When you say 'supervisor' and talk about entities below them, it sounds like you were working a system related to the magic of Solomon by commanding demons or something of the sort?
I don't want to boss around other entities, although I'm interested in becoming enlightened and I think Quareia can help me get there.
Post by peter2 on Mar 11, 2017 2:58:08 GMT
>Based on what you said, I'm picturing some sort of out-of-body or otherworldly experience dealing with non-human entities.
Just inner vision.
> sounds like you were working a system related to the magic of Solomon by commanding demons or something of the sort
I do not use any system. When I run across an entity that is causing a problem, I ask what its troubles are and see if I can help. If that does not work or is not applicable I ask the entity to withdraw. If it will not, then I look to see what energy streams are entering its system and follow those back to the immediate source.
If you read Spirit Releasement you will see accounts of entities nested to perhaps 10 levels.
>I'm interested in becoming enlightened and I think Quareia can help me get there.
No doubt Quareia has value if properly used, but I would not particularly recommend either the first or second methods of meditation. The third is better, but needs a better conceptual intent.
Since this solar system is in its second manifestation, our god is a god of love. This means that any activity not done with love is contrary to the divine purpose in this solar system and slows the progress of our god.
Start with right relationships. All follows from that.
Post by seekinglight on Mar 11, 2017 16:25:25 GMT
What are the dangers of the first two methods of meditation? I've been doing the first, and something I have noticed strangely is increased clairaudience, although I wouldn't think that method of meditation has that goal in mind. To me I thought it seems like a body purification technique.
"our god is a god of love" That gives me a lot more faith in God/our solar system.
My main hindrance in spiritual development seems to be that I will tend to fantasize about something that upsets me or someone will annoy me and I fly into a fit of extreme rage.
I do not harm anyone, although I often fantasize about those sorts of things if something upsets me and that is something that I desire to change.
Post by peter2 on Mar 11, 2017 21:04:21 GMT
>What are the dangers of the first two methods of meditation?
The first technique is inefficient - a brute force approach to controlling thought.
The second technique is a simple form of prana yoga. In my youth I practiced a form of prana yoga. I had not told anyone but an old woman came up to me and said that I had damaged myself. I already knew that as my body had refused to do more of the exercise. Such practices need to be done under proper supervision.
The third technique unfortunately is directed towards fire rather than Spirit. If the candidate already has excess fire in their system (e.g. anger) then this can be a counterproductive exercise.
If all you that you do is done with love, you will proceed rather well spiritually - and Nature will support you in all sorts of unexpected ways.
>I will tend to fantasize about something that upsets
So you are not controlling your emotions or your thoughts. This would make you very dangerous in magical work - to yourself and to others.
>I do not harm anyone, although I often fantasize about those sorts of things
Is not fantasizing the basis of much technique in magic? How do you know you are not harming?
Here are some practices that may be of value:
- Observe your feelings and thoughts during the day. - What situations generate the greatest reactions? Why? - Which beliefs do you use to guide your actions? Why? - Each evening, before sleep, examine your actions of the day. - What were your motives in each action or conversation? - What would you do differently? - Keep a journal of dreams and spiritual experiences. Look for patterns. - Contemplate the purpose for your existence - Consider your relationship to the Source of All.
Post by seekinglight on Mar 12, 2017 1:43:23 GMT
Since Falun Dafa is a chi-gong practice geared towards Enlightenment, would you recommend just sticking to Falun Dafa in terms of chi-gong/meditation and moving on to the rest of the course?
Thank you for taking the time to give all of this advice.
Post by peter2 on Mar 12, 2017 2:18:32 GMT
> would you recommend just sticking to Falun Dafa
As I wrote earlier:
"Falun Dafa appears to me to be a practice transitional between the Third Force (previous to the Pralaya) and the Second Force of the current solar system. theosophy.wiki/w-en/index.php?title=Pralaya
This is well suited to those souls formed in the previous solar system (such as many Chinese) but much less so for souls formed in the current solar system (such as most Europeans)."
>and moving on to the rest of the course?
It seems to me that you could usefully work on self-healing and self-control for a decade or so before considering magic. Hopefully by then you will have understood more of the meaning of your own existence.
Post by peter2 on Mar 12, 2017 2:24:52 GMT
"Then spirits will teach you what you are meant to be, not Quareia. Quareia - its tools - doesn't do a lot. Except for establishing a platform on which you and them can gather. Except for offering a language you and them can both speak" theomagica.com/blog/on-becoming-an-adeptDo you not see the problem with this: which spirits will teach you? And what agendas do they have? More specifically: where are you in their food chain?
Post by moraen on Apr 4, 2018 4:36:36 GMT
‘More specifically: where are you in their food chain’
I could not of found a truer statement. Even though it’s ‘free and online’ These things are never ever free, they always come at a cost, for better or worst. We are free to choose how we would like to proceed: Most if not all information on the ‘mysteries’ is publicly available, a decerning mind can sort the information and process it. Any information that is of true value to you will be taught to you by your perfected self. This takes half a life time to develop as the brother said.
Post by peter2 on Apr 4, 2018 5:43:10 GMT
Welcome Moraen.
It seems that you have had some useful experiences. Would you like to share any?
Post by moraen on Apr 4, 2018 18:37:33 GMT
Quareia is not what it seems! It’s definitely ‘magic’ but what’s dressed up as light is darkness and what’s dressed up as darkness is light.... You need to train this is very true but are you ready for that? You need to have a firm concept of your own beliefs and guardians/what protects you as an individual. Character flaws will be exploited by the ‘guardians of Quareia. If your going to go into it be firm with your convictions and clear about what you want to achieve. Don’t let the director of studies indoctrinate you with their speculations on Cosmology. We have evolved since paganism despite what neo-paganism/Theosophy would have you believe. Our culture is based on revealed religion not wild speculation or superstitions that really were overwritten by the best minds in antiquity (Plato and Plotinus are called Shiek Plato and Plotinus in the Islamic world) Check Gareth Knights work: Experience of the Inner Worlds. The authors who wrote Quareia pick and choose from Revealed religious traditions and paganise them. I’m not bashing anyone’s belief system but paganism and superstition died out in the ancient world and for a very good reason. It represents devolved systems of thought when placed in the wrong hands and when added to woolly new age concepts and dressed up in nice colours and incense you will degenerate with it....
Post by moraen on Apr 4, 2018 18:54:49 GMT
Further....,The original Rosicrucians, Alchemists and Freemasons were not Pagans. They paid homage to the ‘gods’ but essentially recognised them as abstract scientific concepts similar to the Ancient Egyptians (Also monotheists) would of done. Just because we have all this technology and such does not mean our consciousness is anymore evolved than Neolithic man. Stones, trees and rivers do not contain ‘God’ neither do Tarot cards, altars and pieces of jewellery!
Post by peter2 on Apr 4, 2018 20:27:05 GMT
>Our culture is based on revealed religion
>pick and choose from Revealed religious traditions
There are of course revealed religious traditions around the planet from which we might pick and choose. In my case my parents chose for me.
>paid homage to the ‘gods’ but essentially recognised them as abstract scientific concepts
That is certainly a common practice but does not really explain why some cultures had so many gods. For example in ancient Egypt it seems that each town had its own god in charge of brewing beer.
Post by moraen on Apr 4, 2018 20:38:57 GMT
About ancient Egypt and Gods.... There are various theories on this...personally I go with the theory of Dr Ben-Yohannan who is not particularly religious or an Occultist. His theory after examining the evidence is that the ancient Egyptians (at least for part of the time considering the civilisation spanned millennia) were Monothiests and that the ‘gods’ represented their ‘scientific’ concepts. The bottom line is we will never know for sure. Yes we can choose what we want it’s very true..... My philosophy/definitely Biblically based which is revealed religion in those traditions.... you can believe what you want to believe about other traditions being revealed but I would always agree to disagree. And Freemasonry is not dogmatic and yet it became prominent in Europe in a period when Christianity was the main cultural and religious expression. This is why in the Lodge we still have ..... lots of Christian symbolism has been removed in the modern iteration check the archives at UGLE